Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lunch Line Lethargy

Standing in the lunch line can be one of the most socially uncomfortable experiences. Imagine that you’re standing there, waiting in a line with twenty or so people, none of whom dare to speak a word. As you awkwardly look around you make the mistake of looking the man standing next to you in the eye. You weren’t planning on initiating contact so you quickly turn away.
Why did you just do that?
Do you just not care to talk to anyone right now? Are you afraid of being rejected? Do think he won’t want to have a two minute conversation with you while you wait in line?
Contact with others is an innate human need. Nevertheless, people are becoming more and more willing to do without interpersonal communication on a face to face level just to avoid the possibility of rejection.
Look around you; have you noticed what others in line are doing? It’s likely that at least half of them have headphones in their ears. Do you see the girl looking intently down at absolutely nothing? Then there’s the guy looking anywhere and everywhere but at the people around him.
Chances are that you would make any one of these strangers day by simply saying ‘hello.’ After all, what is more satisfying to you; a cheerful greeting in passing or twenty minutes staring off into space while you wait to buy a sandwich?

-Nova Stakland


Kyle and Gina said...

I agree! yet people are willing to "say" (post) anything and everything about their lives via texting or something like that. usually people are happy to talk once you ask them about themselves. maybe if we get past the awkwardness and refer to it as "voice-texting" that we can get back to talking to each other...

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